Want to know about the other aspect of the ranged ability in Runescape other than bows and arrows? Take a look at the runescape range guide of crossbows and bolts which you can use in the game. Another ranged weapon ability is in dealing with crossbows and bolts. All crossbows are slower than bows, and they require bolts to use rather than arrows. Most rangers will not use these and prefer to use a bow as the speed is much better for their enemy. Here are crossbows and bolts.
Regular Crossbows and Phoenix Crossbows will need a ranging level of one. They take bronze bolts and will give an attack bonus of 6.
Iron Crossbows use bolts up to the iron level and they need a ranging skill level of 26. They will give an attack bonus of 42.
Adamant Crossbows need a ranging skill of 46 in level. It will take bolts that are up to the adamant quality. It will give up to a 78 in attack bonus.
Bolts are produced from fletching and smithing skills, or bought in a store. They could be poisoned for better attack. Or you can make them “tipped” with various items use as opals, gems, pearls, and barbed tips. Other bolts are the enchanted type. If they have a gemmed tip, a pearl tip, or an opal tip you can enchant with magic.
Learn more at range runescape guide.
- Mar 26 Wed 2014 15:31
Ranged Skill Crossbows & Bolts in Runescape